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Tuesday, March 8, 2011

4 Months Old!

Reagan is 4 months old today! 

There have been lots of developments over the past month for our little princess......
  • She gave up her beloved pacifer by her own free will and now will not take it under any circumstance.  If we even try to offer it she pushes it out of her mouth and makes this face as if we just put poison down her throat.  However, her thumb, either hand.. she doesn't descriminate... is her new bff.  Greeeeeaaaaaaattttt (please read the sarcastic tone).
  • She has become an east coast traveler, and surprisingly quite amazing on these long car rides we have tortured her with.  So far the longest trip was 7.5 hours down to Apex, NC.  She really just chills and sleeps most of the time, but if she's awake she stares into her mirror trying to figure out who is looking back at her.   
  • She will reach her toys as opposed to needing to be handed them.  We'll place a toy on her tray when she's in her high chair, then turn away and once we're not looking she goes for it.  Her current favorite toy is the Sassy Ring O' Links, best $2.99 I ever spent. 
  • She's loving sitting up in the bumbo seat like a big girl, especially since we all make a huge fuss over her when she does so.  

I bet they're fighting over which one is higher on the food chain. 
  • She has learned to laugh out loud, and will do so whether it be prompted or not.  When we want her to laugh, she turns into a mute and stares at us like we're absolute lunatics.  If I lay her down to get her dressed for the day and simply turn my head to grab the clothes, she starts laughing hysterically.  Honestly, it's quite adorable. 
  • Reagan has a newfound love of turning herself around 180 degrees in her crib.  She gets put down to sleep one way and I find her 7am cracking up because she's completely the opposite way of how she was put down.  We also find this quite humorous and decided to watch how she does this on our lovely stalker-esque video monitor.  While laying in the crib and working herself into la la land, she lifts her legs and throws them against the crib mattress (and yes, we can hear this happening when we're downstairs) and she keeps doing this until she has rotated herself 180 degrees in her crib. 
Needless to say, she is going to grow up to be a trouble maker but only when no one's watching and then look up and smile when approached and simply say, "who me?".  That's our little angel!
  • SHE HAS FINALLY CONQUERED TUMMY TIME!  I officially feel validated as a parent. 

Up until Saturday, she would scream bloody murder if she was on her stomach for more than say, 1 second?  But the past two weeks I've been playing "tuck and roll" with her... we start on her back, tuck her arm in, and rollllll over to her tummy and then we begin laughing out loud before she has time to think about the misery of being on her tummy.  A few seconds would turn into minutes, and voila within a few days she could hold her up 90 degrees when on her tummy (thank God, because anxiety was starting to set in, worrying about will she ever learn to crawl if she can't even be on her stomach without screaming for someone, anyone, to roll her back over).  Now with that said, she's learning that this is something she should be doing and when she's on her back she rolls all the way over to side, but we're working on that final push and then landing on the belly.  When she's on her belly, she eventually turns into a weeble-wobble trying to roll to her back.  We shall see.... more to come!
We visited the pediatrician today for a check up and yet another round of vaccines.  The doctor was thoroughly impressed with her and all of her developments, wonderfully concluding that "she is perfect!"  Um, lady, I already know that....she's my child!  She was most impressed with her sleeping 12 hours at night and the almost-roll over (as Reagan was doing it on the exam table).  She said most babies don't roll over nowadays until they're just about sitting up because of inadequate tummy time (see above paragraph re: my validation as a parent). 

There has been a lot of speculation as to how the "princess" (eh hem, beastly eater) is growing, and here are the stats we've all been waiting for......
  • Weight.... 14lbs 9oz, 75th percentile
  • Height....  26in, 100th percentile
Since her eating habits are so impressive, the doctor recommended we try our hand at rice cereal and see how she likes it.  So the bowls and spoons are purchased and washed, the Earth's Best Whole Grain Rice Cereal is in the pantry.... it's go time! 

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