Total weight gain/loss: 12lbs, lost 2 pounds from last week.
Fundal Height: 28 weeks (OB isn't worried yet because of the position of the baby he feels it may be an inaccurate measurement of my uterus)
Sleep: never a problem for this girl... especially since Reagan wears me out!
Best moment this week: Finally getting a start on the baby's nursery... thank you, Ryan and Dad!
Worst moment this week: Dropping Reagan off at school this morning, she was hysterically crying and attached to me :(
Movement: He's a fairly tame monkey, except when I'm trying to lay down and relax then he moves. Unfortunately, he's lying transverse right now and his kicks go into my hip bones.
Food cravings: B&W milkshake courtesy of Nifty Fifty's
Labor Signs: Lots of cramping (not BH contractions) and some back pain. With Reagan, I was a "back laborer" so it makes me think twice about doing too much activity.
Weekly Wisdom: Don't google concerns regarding health.
Looking forward to next week: Trying to get The Peddle Family 2011 Yearbook completed and finalize Reagan's baby book... my personal goals before Baby Boy Peddle arrives.
*Thanks, Jen, for the above snapshot of questions!!*
So last week at my OB appointment, Dr. R and I discussed the minor issues of cramping I've been experiencing. For the most part, this are after a long day of up/down, in/out, and running around like a psycho. We came to a few conclusions to try to ease the burden and keep this baby in me as long as possible, especially with the history of complications I faced with Reagan starting at about the same time in my pregnancy with her.
First, slow it take and take it easy, as much as possible, knowing I work full-time and have a miniature toddler. With this discussion, came the mutual decision to go out of work early since that's a controllable in my life and taking care of Reagan is non-negotiable. Making the decision to exit early doesn't impact my time off once the baby does come, but it does impact my pay, however it's a decision Ryan and I are both comfortable with if it means everything is safe & sound with our Baby Boy.
Second, the dreaded weekly appointments started last week as opposed to at 36 weeks (typical to a normal pregnancy). This is mostly due in part to my history with Reagan - dilating at 28 weeks, preterm labor scare at 31 weeks, etc - as well as the factors of regular cramping with this pregnancy. Thankfully, through both checks so far my cervix hasn't changed and let's hope it stays that way with staying at home during the day.
All in all, at least I seem to be fairing better than I did with Reagan at this point. The weight gain is similar (I gained 19 total with her over 39 weeks), his size is a little smaller than hers so far but I'm going to trust the doctor (until I see what he's measuring next week). On the plus side, I haven't dilated yet and if I can make it past 32 weeks then I pass the timing of my pre-term labor scare with Reagan!
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