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Wednesday, March 28, 2012

He's Here!

We are so proud to welcome

Photo courtesy of Grandpop


March 20, 2012 at 5:28pm
7lbs 8oz, 20.25in long
Virtua Voorhees Hospital

More to come as we adjust to life as a family of four!

Saturday, March 17, 2012

St. Patty's Day 2012

HAPPY ST. PATRICK'S DAY from the Peddle's!  

We hope everyone had a wonderful day celebrating the luck of the Irish :)

                                             Click here to view these pictures larger

Spring Break 2012

Here's the album of photos from the week.... Spring Break with Ryan and a Spring warmup :)

What a great week it's been with the family!!

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

38 Weeks... Game on!

Appointment Follow-Up

How far along? 38 weeks, 3 days
Total weight gain/loss: 18lbs.
Fundal Height: he didn't give me an exact number but was happy with current growth
Sleep:  falling asleep is still a challenge and trying to stay asleep past 3am is an uphill battle
Best moment this week: the beautiful spring weather & having Ryan home for spring break
Worst moment this week: besides 9.5months pregnant pains, no complaints just happy to have all of us home together
Movement: lots of elbows in my hips and feet in my ribs
Food cravings: ice chips (can't get enough of them)
Labor Signs: uterine & back contractions that are thankfully starting to do their job.... 3-4cm with 50% effacement, so could be soon or could be two weeks (blah)
Weekly Wisdom: just trying to make it through the day
Looking forward to next week: hopefully holding my baby boy

So my appointment with the OB today was successful in terms that the contractions I've been having more regularly are finally doing their job and getting things ready for the baby to arrive.  At last check, there was absolutely nothing happening in terms of the baby's arrival and now today I'm 3-4cm and 50% effaced.  Being that I've been in this boat before, I know that it doesn't mean much... he could come tonight or in a couple weeks.  The only bright thought I'm going to keep in my head is that the doctor seems hopeful that it could be sooner than later, so we'll just work with those happy thoughts.  With Reagan, I was 1-2cm literally for 9 weeks, then was 3-4cm for a couple of days and then was admitted at 5cm and delivered the little monkey 6 hours later after just a few pushes :) 

I'm pretty open to a St. Patty's Day baby :)  It was my grandmother's birthday also!

Monday, March 12, 2012

Got My Shades On

Honestly, what could be better than this spring-like weather during the winter season?!  I'll tell you what's better.... RUTGERS SPRING BREAK!  That's right... not only do we get 70 degree weather, we get Ryan home every night this week, cha-ching :)

Spring officially doesn't start until next week, but with temperatures near 70 for the near future I think it's safe to say that old man winter is out!  We spent so much time outside today that Reagan was asking to go "night-night" at 6:15pm... but we held her off until about 7.  Running around outside definitely wears her out so keep bringing on the nice weather!  Even Roxie got some enjoyment out of the day... a long walk through the neighborhood and a spring cleaning bath, so fresh and so clean.

Roxie catching some sun (and P&Q) while Reagan napped

Family walk, all wearing our shades!

My Pretty Princess

What are you doing to enjoy the beautiful weather and longer hours of sunlight?!?!

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Animal Sounds

Reagan is great at matching sounds to the animal it belongs to, but she definitely is not a fan of performing on command, let alone when there's a camera involved.  I got her to play along with me for a minute, but you'll notice that she just gets up and walks away when she's done putting on a show.  What a ham.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Where's Your....???

Reagan LOVES to play with our iPhones and will hold the phone up and say "CHEESE" since we're always taking pictures of her... it's pretty hysterical.  The other thing I like to do with her is to let her make movies of herself.  We do this using the iPhone on the forward-facing camera so Reagan can see herself as we're making the movie... similar to how you would hold the phone if making a Facetime call.

In this video, she spends the first few minutes saying hi to herself (I think she believes we're on a Facetime call & she's talking to another baby) and then we go into identifying parts of her face.  She really enjoys picking out her features and those on us as well!

More videos to come as she learns her animal sounds... so far we've got duck, cow, pig, and dog covered!

Hope you were able to enjoy the spring weather the past few days!