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Wednesday, March 14, 2012

38 Weeks... Game on!

Appointment Follow-Up

How far along? 38 weeks, 3 days
Total weight gain/loss: 18lbs.
Fundal Height: he didn't give me an exact number but was happy with current growth
Sleep:  falling asleep is still a challenge and trying to stay asleep past 3am is an uphill battle
Best moment this week: the beautiful spring weather & having Ryan home for spring break
Worst moment this week: besides 9.5months pregnant pains, no complaints just happy to have all of us home together
Movement: lots of elbows in my hips and feet in my ribs
Food cravings: ice chips (can't get enough of them)
Labor Signs: uterine & back contractions that are thankfully starting to do their job.... 3-4cm with 50% effacement, so could be soon or could be two weeks (blah)
Weekly Wisdom: just trying to make it through the day
Looking forward to next week: hopefully holding my baby boy

So my appointment with the OB today was successful in terms that the contractions I've been having more regularly are finally doing their job and getting things ready for the baby to arrive.  At last check, there was absolutely nothing happening in terms of the baby's arrival and now today I'm 3-4cm and 50% effaced.  Being that I've been in this boat before, I know that it doesn't mean much... he could come tonight or in a couple weeks.  The only bright thought I'm going to keep in my head is that the doctor seems hopeful that it could be sooner than later, so we'll just work with those happy thoughts.  With Reagan, I was 1-2cm literally for 9 weeks, then was 3-4cm for a couple of days and then was admitted at 5cm and delivered the little monkey 6 hours later after just a few pushes :) 

I'm pretty open to a St. Patty's Day baby :)  It was my grandmother's birthday also!

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