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Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Reagan Meets The Big Guy

We took Reagan to meet Santa yesterday at the Cherry Hill Mall.  After a morning filled with complete refusal to get out of bed and get dressed (no, not me... Reagan), she got all dolled up in her sweater dress and red booties, and looked so cute.  I wasn't sure who was more excited, Reagan or her daddy.  Ryan was overcome with excitement, yelling in the mall to anyone who would listen, "SANTA! OH MY GOD! SANTA'S COMING! I KNOW HIM! I KNOW HIM!"

Anyway, back to the real reason we went to see Santa... Reagan :)  She was a total champ and went to the Big Guy as if knowing he was going to supply her with an amazing First Christmas.  The camera lady kept trying to shake the ridiculous rattle at her to get her to "wake up".  I told her we were very happy with the photo because she at least had her eyes open (without tears) attempted to look at the camera.  What more could I ask of my six week old infant when a large, furry stranger is holding her?

In my opinion, she looks a little unimpressed with the big guy, and Ryan thinks she looks like an ewok (note the ears sticking out). 

Personally, I think the meeting was a success after her initial meeting with Santa last weekend at the Nello Christmas Party.  She was half out of her beautiful Christmas party outfit because of a minor heat rash. 

Note to self: When it's 50 & humid outside and a room is crowded with people, a sweater dress/tights/boots are not an appropriate outfit
And even though I was disappointed she didn't have the full ensemble of the pretty outfit I picked out for the day, I figured "hey, at least she's not crying."

Oh, no, wait for it..... then Santa had the audacity to remove the treasured Binky from a quiet and content babies mouth.

Note to Santa: NEVER remove a Binky from a quiet baby taking in the scenery of complete strangers. 

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Reagan's BIG Puppy-Dog

So most of us were wondering how our first "baby", aka Roxie, would do when Reagan arrived.  Well, I'm happy to announce that Roxie LOVES Reagan and appears to have found her long lost duty as "guardian dog".  For the most part Roxie leaves Reagan alone, but when Reagan gets really upset Roxie is right there to check out what's going on.  She's been known to bark & follow people around the house if they're walking around trying to soothe a crying Reagan.  There's also plenty of slobber on the edge of the pack n' play where Roxie checks in on her to make sure she's okay. 

11.11.10 - Checking to see if the baby is still there. 
Yep - still there!

11.29.10 - Roxie LOVES Reagan

11.29.10 - Reagan has her own personal pony!

Friday, December 3, 2010

Proofs from Reagan's Portraits Are Here!

Last Friday, our wedding photographer, Jeff Anderson, came to our home to take portraits of Reagan and here is the link to view the proofs online.  We're both really excited about them and love all of the pictures!

Here's a preview of the proofs....

View the entire collection at http://jeffanderson.instaproofs.com/emailLogin.php?id=316238, and use the password: reagan.


Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Sharing Made Easy....


Obviously we've had lots going on this past month and there's lots of cards and announcements I need to get together to send to everyone who loves us so much :)

Shutterfly has hundreds of options to choose from this year when creating your Christmas card, unique to your own family's style.  I like the ones that have multiple photo openings so I can include a family photo for the centerpiece as well as individual photos to showcase our new little one... and we can't forget a space for favorite four-legged girl, Roxie!  Creating your own 2010 Christmas Card at Shutterfly is as easy as 1-2-3, just visit http://www.shutterfly.com/cards-stationery/christmas-photo-cards.

I've also been lucky enough to find amazing birth announcements and thank you cards on Shutterfly's website.  And to make it all easier, I already upload all of Reagan's beautiful baby photos to the website for viewing by our family and friends, so adding the photos I want to her announcements and thank you cards is a piece of cake! 

We can't wait to see what all of you have been up to over the past year!