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Friday, May 11, 2012

Vacuum... Friend or Foe?

I tried to upload this last month but for some reason had technological issues and therefore it didn't actually upload.  But anyway, this video is absolutely HYSTERICAL (if I do say so myself, and I do) and shows how Reagan loves to play around with anything Ryan and I use.  The vacuum included.  Thankfully Ryan was able to capture this on his iPhone and I don't think Reagan even had a clue that she was being recorded, which makes this true "reality tv".


Note:  The quality is poor, but I'm hoping to upload the higher quality copy soon!

Watch this video on You Tube

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Happy Boy!

Someone woke up very happy from their nap today.... love this smile :)

Rory's first smile (not due to gas!) was back on Thursday, April 26th... 
he's taking it all in and loving life!