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Tuesday, February 28, 2012

The Countdown is ON!

I had my 36 week OB appointment today and finally feel like the end is in sight with this pregnancy.  For those of you that know me well, you already know that I freely admit that I do not enjoy being pregnant.  Thankfully I don't gain a lot of weight but I still find it so uncomfortable to have a growing human being inside of me that is intruding on my short torso.  Enough complaining, baby boy will be here soon enough and I can quit my hypochondriac worrying. 

Onto the details from today...

How far along? 36 weeks, 2 days
Total weight gain/loss: 15lbs, 1 pound gained from last appointment.
Fundal Height: he didn't give me an exact number but was happy with current growth
Sleep:  falling asleep is now a challenge and trying to stay asleep past 3am is an uphill battle
Best moment this week: getting together with friends to celebrate Jeanine's birthday & finally finishing the baby's nursery
Worst moment this week: Reagan's bedtime after quittingthe bottle cold turkey
Movement: after an extremely quiet Wednesday last week where he had me pretty worried, he's back to normal.  His stretches completely protrude out of my skin and I'm able to decipher where an elbow is
Food cravings: ice chips (can't get enough of them)
Labor Signs: uterine & back contractions
Weekly Wisdom: just trying to make it through the day
Looking forward to next week: touring the maternity ward of the new Virtua Voorhees hospital (nothing like waiting until the last minute)

Because I've been having more frequent contractions the Dr decided to do an exam and said that everything is "progressing" for the good so thankfully these contractions are starting to do their business!  We also got have a quick sneak peak at the little baby boy because I asked the doctor to check my fluid levels since this is about the time with Reagan that they started to get low... thankfully all was good there too.  He also made note that the largest pockets of fluid are down by the baby's head and said that if my water breaks on its own (which it didn't with Reagan), there's "going to be a big gush"... great... good luck cleaning that up, Ryan.  

Until next week..

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