Our day was honestly like any other Tuesday... Ryan at work then class, while Reagan and I make ourselves busy... but it wouldn't be a holiday without something going wrong, now would it?
I changed up Reagan's afternoon schedule to allow for a later afternoon nap so she would be up later into the evening to see Ryan when he got home (class was letting out earlier than usual for this Tuesday). But with trying to keep up with my usual evening chores - laundry, attempting to pick up the house - and trying to keep updated with important family happenings (more to come later) I lost track of my darling dear angel. Now, keep in mind, this type of thing doesn't usually phase me; my house is child proof and the gates were closed so I knew she wouldn't be able to go upstairs. However, my curiosity was peaked when I heard the alarm going off... especially because I hadn't set it yet for the night.
I ran into the playroom to find Reagan sitting on top of her table looking at me like a deer in headlights as the alarm is screaming. I entered the code to disable the alarm and got Reagan off the table to distract her into other fun activities. Now, I've set off the alarm by accident plenty of times and have disabled it within the given time frame before the call center is notified, so I assumed when I entered the pin that this would be the case as well.
Ten minutes later my doorbell rings and I open the door - pantless child in hand - to find a Washington Township Police Officer asking me if there's a fire at my home. Talk about a deer in headlights, I just looked at him while I said "no, sir" and then realized that Reagan must have hit the FIRE alarm and not the typical house alarm. I completely understand what a waste of time and resources it was for this officer to come to my house, however, he was completely unimpressed with my 8.5 month pregnant body holding my small toddler trying to explain away how this little peanut could have possibly set off the alarm. He let me off with a warning explaining that the next false alarm would result in a fine. As he is telling me this, we hear the fire truck sirens coming down our street... just perfect. He told me he would take care of explaining that there was no emergency at our house. I politely thanked him, and went back inside completely mortified.
Not five or ten minutes go by and there's yet another ring of the bell. I'm still holding pantless Reagan and now trying to fend off Roxie because there's been so much activity at the door, and open the door to a fireman (firetruck outside my house) saying he understands it was a false alarm but it's protocol that he come and check with the homeowner. After apologizing yet again for this whole misunderstanding he asks me "How exactly did she set off a fire alarm? Do you have an alarm pull in your house?"
I invited him to show him the panel and the table setup of how my miniature spider man climbed up...
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Besides the fact this picture is deceptive & it looks like a 5 year old couldn't reach the panel, just know that it's well within my super tall toddlers reach when standing on top of the table. |
I'm really not sure if he was more unimpressed with how I let my child climb up on a table and push the buttons or the fact that my child was pant-less and the playroom looked like a nuclear bomb went off. Needless to say, I feel like Mother of the Year. Also, as a disclaimer to those of you that may be judging me right now, I have since moved the table to a new location so the super toddler with spider man like qualities no longer makes false calls to emergency personnel.
I really should have known it was going to be one of those days when I woke up Valentine's Day morning and had to run to the grocery store at 715am because I was out of milk for Reagan and myself, and an hour later when my coffee spilled all over the bed (thankfully it was Ryan's side!).
That's hilarious!!