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Monday, February 27, 2012

15 Months Already??

Erase that evidence... a lady never tells her weight!
Well, if we're being technical, Reagan was 15 months back on February 8th but due to scheduling we just had our 15 month checkup at the pediatrician today.  Besides the fact Reagan's now old enough to throw a fit or know when something's coming that she won't like, it was a great appointment!  It took a little squirming and screaming but her height came out to be OFF THE CHARTS and her weight was right on track with the curve she started when she was born.

Length at 15 Months: 34.5 inches (literally off the chart)
Weight at 15 Months: 25 pounds, 8 ounces (approximately 80th percentile)

Reagan started talking the doctors ear off as soon as she entered the room, which prompted the doctor to say "obviously she's pretty chatty"... um, I think that's an understatement, the doctor should be happy that she didn't receive the hand talking that usually accompanies Reagan's talking points.  After we discussed her development and abilities at this age, the doctor was impressed and said she's doing everything she should be and then some!!!!  Score ;)

Downside to this appointment?!?!

The "Quit the Bottle" discussion and 2 shots that "are going to sting her unfortunately" according to the nurse.  As if being 9 months pregnant taking care of an extremely active toddler isn't enough, now I need to rock the boat and cut the bottle at bedtime cold turkey.  Warm milk in a bottle is the only way this child drinks milk and going to bed with a bottle is just as comfortable to her as her beloved giraffe.  Now before you judge me for letting her go to bed with a bottle at this age and bottle rot and all... let me tell you that we are diligent with brushing Reagan's teeth and she herself will walk around brushing her teeth because she thinks it's fun.

Back to cutting the bottle cold turkey... naptime was pretty easy without a bottle but bedtime was a whole different story.  We did our night time routine as usual, except cut out the bottle, and after 2 hours of screaming, crying, and me going in to rock her, I finally gave in and let her lay in my bed until Ryan was due home a few minutes later.  Part of me thinks she was just trying to wait for him to get home because after a few minutes of snuggle time with her Daddy, Reagan went down without a bottle and finally WENT TO SLEEP... granted it was close to 10pm, but I'll take the win that she fell asleep without a bottle.

Next checkup 3 months, although obviously they'll be seeing us before that since we have to take Baby Boy in within a week of his birth.

On a side note, we stopped by the Malvern School today to collect Reagan's belongings she had there and to say goodbye to her teachers and friends.  At first I felt bad that we took her out because she enjoyed playing with all the toys and get ups they had out for the kids... but as soon as we went into her  former classroom to get her stuff, the meltdown started and she made sure to be attached to me.  She was doing everything in her power to make sure I was not leaving her there.  And with that, my conscience was assured that bringing her home was a great decision!

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